•Das Geräusch•
•Das Geräusch•
•Das Geräusch•
•Das Geräusch•
•Das Geräusch•
Our world is the same size as we perceive it to be, and within it we are all products of the universe provided for us in
our childhood.
In the old times , in the East, where people lived in a small community and all the other worlds were the same size as
they perceived it to be, every family in the community was called by the name of the founding father...
Brightest memories from my childhood are related to a small Eastern village, where every summer, a special human
being, the elder of the Gorian family, was waiting for me. Every summer was unforgettable, in the boundless sky
wave-clouds were replaced by glimmering stars and I was always looking into it... and dreaming, dreaming about
time passing, and me growing old, It would be the same as once had been, in front of the village house, under the
walnut tree, while resting in a hammock in summery peace, listening to great-grandmother’s mesmerizing tales....
I never wanted to return home;
There, chaos and noise reigned...
Home was always crowded, and in that fuss, nobody could hear my voice.
I remember myself dreaming to have my own room, while I was laying on the couch trying to sleep,
holding the pillow tight on my head to defeat the voices. The whole universe, between my face and back of the
couch, I tried to place. And I was dreaming, that it would it be the same as it once had been, when in front of the
village house, under the walnut tree, while resting in hammock in the summery peace, when I was naively looking at
the cloudy sky and dreaming, dreaming to be grown up and every dream had already been fulfilled...
I was a student at university, living in the historic part of my city, in an old and bright building. For the first time I was
living alone and I could do everything and anything I wanted to. I was constructing and deconstructing, cutting and
glueing, sewing and knitting, passionately playing with different materials and within time I was expanding - like in
those days when I was a child trying to create magic, when I had a moment to be alone at home and all tools of my
father were mine... I was playing and dreaming, dreaming about discovering, moving and exploring the universe
as far as it could be...
My first holiday in Italy was at the Cinemadamare film festival where I was participating with many other people from
all over the world, all of us were united around one belief.... During the whole Summer we were travelling from one
place to another ; spending days and nights on rocky and sandy beaches. Small, stone-built villages and the
luminosity of prodigious cities, beauty, youth and childish flirt...
Laying on the rocky beach of Maratea sea looking up to the sunset sky and dreaming, dreaming to succeed, to have
the ability to create beauty, the same beauty I was surrounded by...
Years passed...
The bright spaces gradually started to grow dimmer
And the belief of fulfilling my dreams was eclipsed by it.
Hiding behind the glory of the past, within an endless sensation of nonage, Self turns to a restless existence...
Endlessly questioning essence of my being....
Constant dialogues within myself and the unknown fear.
Who am I?! - And then once, I heard the voice and I opened the door.
Behind it, I found - my self.
It was the most challenging period of my life... As I was walking through the valley in me, the fussing grew to
unbearable frequencies - I could not breathe, I could not speak...
Bit by bit I found the way to sublimate those intense emotions and feelings - into forms and spaces.
Time after time I could hear the cry of a child, it increased and increased, before I found him.
An abandoned and terrified little me...
A child who always felt that nobody needed him, a child who thought he was an excess burden of life....
Child who can still stare at the endless sky and dream.
I embraced that child and promised to never leave...
And the ability that he can still dream, is the glimmering light summoning me towards it...
The child and I became allies, and I started again to believe in dreams...
For now I see that, in part, I already live within my dreams.
The peace, the passion and her without whom I feel incomplete...
And now in this summery peace, while resting in a hammock on the balcony, looking down at the roads
that ever go on, I dream to never stop dreaming about my dreams...
Now I know, I contain my past and the past before me, in me.
Now I know the fundamentals which I stand on, fundamentals which I consist of...
And now, more than ever, I feel that I am ready to write the next chapter of my life...
More than ever, I feel I am ready for new challenges, for new discoveries...
More than ever, I feel how much I believe in my dreams...
Now I know, the only dream that I ever dreamt was to find divine peace...