•Das Geräusch•
•Das Geräusch•
•Das Geräusch•
•Das Geräusch•
•Das Geräusch•
...Imagine a rad bottle...
...Really look at your red bottle...
I will tell you now, that your red bottle has no trace of kinship with mine.
Its form,
Its dimensions And even in numbers too.
My red bottle is three of different textures and sizes, standing next to each other, united all together because of each other. Three bottles were those that had been standing on my shelf for a long while, penetrating my sphere of seeing constantly.
These three bottles had been standing there for so great an amount of time that they all drowned in particles of dust that lay on them.
Deciding to break these bottles up and move them somewhere else, in some other combination, I saw under the space the bottles had been laying on - clear circles in dust. Where they had been standing.
The dust didn’t penetrate.
Thus as I pictured a red bottle, in imagining, I saw those three pieces of glassware that are now moved into a different combination, that have been standing on my shelf for a while, in red light.
Everything starts here.
...We are all products of the universe that was provided in our childhood...
At first hand it’s the family and a close sphere of acquaintances that inspire this universe, although we still experience it in our unique way. Both physically and emotionally.
...Physics and Psyche cannot operate independently...
...In us they are a unity...
Our mental states, both conscious and unconscious, is much determined by our physical (somatic) surroundings. Thus our mental state will also be represented in our somatic reality too.
All that happens around us is conveyed to our psyche thanks to the same individual perception that then subsequently allows external representation through action and is the ground on which my red bottle will never look like yours.
The universe consists of subjective truths where preaching objective truth loses meaning. However there are truths that through the exchange of opinions can be distilled to its nature’s true objectivity. [to its objective nature]
Such truth as – the NORM.
What is really a norm, a standard?
And what is its real nature.
Can this nature be absolute?
The objective truth that is derived by opposing two subjective truths, is only a result of that one reality prevailing over the other with its broadness and logic; swallowing the light of the second subjective truth, which in itself is an absolute objective truth, like a black hole. Through this grinding process truth attains an objective and socio-normative nature, stripped of any personal truth.
Whereas, when we try to convince others into our objective truths, these truths become subjective in our efforts to transform them into an objectively absolute truth. Our objective realities are as it is in absolute, objectively true. This is because no matter how subjective a truth is, for the individual believing it, it is an absolute truth. Seeing that for a subjective truth to gain an objective nature and for it to become a socio-normative objective truth (inasmuch as two individuals already make up a unity of a socius creating the environment for the individuals existing inside) both individuals need to come to an agreement.
What can a true nature of norm be?
Norm is an occurrence that binds the perception flowing out of your objective interpretation of your views regarding things like emotions, events, objects both animate and inanimate and thus the unity of your external environment.
Thus when a person A tells a person B that the person C is normal, they - both A and B , in vocalizing, present the notion of norm as their objective perspective allows them, the same perspective that derives interpretations of the absolute objcto-subjective truth of NORM.
...An objecto-subjectively true nature of norm could be defined very easily...
It is what it is for you.
It is your norm, and your norm only.
Let's go back.
Imagine a red bottle.
The inspiration for defining what the nature of norm is, came from a discussion between myself and my company and my brother and his company. Here, one side was aiming to convince the other of the fact, that if a person A tells a person B that person C is normal, person A for the most part, is sure that person B’s interpretation of the word is the same as theirs.
When a person A's interpretation regarding the normality of person C is identical to that of a person B, a social norm is born.
Social Norm
...Social norm, as opposed to a personal norm, has a distinctly different definition...
When an individual starts to oppose their genuinely objective truth to another individual's genuinely objective truth, in crossing paths both genuinely objective truths lose the quality of being objectively true and become subjective. Whereas, when an individual A convinces an individual B into their own genuinely objective truth being objectively true, the truth becomes socio-objective. As, the unity of two individuals is already a micro society, a micro collective who's objective truth becomes a social norm for a third party.
Social norms incline persons A and B in their descriptions of person C's normativity to be not truly objective, as defined by the personal norm, but rather collectively objective layer that covers the individual perception like a layer of dust. And this layer of accumulated dusts remain on your shelf and cover the bottles, till you start wanting to dust the layers off the shelf and alter the bottles, they have been there for so long a time that their unity has created a single red bottle in your objo-subjective depiction of truth, that which can never be so genuine in absolution for anybody else. Thus your objecto-subjective truth is true only for you. It becomes subjective after your efforts to obtain the collectively objective nature, is when your truth becomes subjective, for, it had already been objectively true precisely because your subjective truth, throughout the depths of self-perception, is your objective truth and a discourse over it has no meaning. A discourse over why I imagine a red bottle as three glasswares bathed in red light is impossible.
Why is it as it is?
Only because it is as it is only for you.
Only because of this are our red bottles different from each other in form, colour, texture, size and even in numbers. In our minds the image of a red bottle is drawn from a countless cause-effective chain reactions in our minds, these reactions being cardinally different from each other and unambiguously individual to everyone.
Thus what exactly led us to imagining a red bottle, exactly the way we did in an individual manner, we do not know and we don’t absolutely need to either (although a curve is of course possible).
The universe is constant causation and effect that has never began and will never end.
Time is static
It does not move
Time only starts circling you, like around a molecule, when you are ‘switched on’. Although you had been existing even before you were ‘switched on’. You began when the universe began, and you shall only end when the universe ceases to be. And the universe has never began in the first place and is never going to cease. The universe is constant, as time.
Comprehending the scale of the universe is close to impossible for a human mind.
- Why?
Take your hand and make a binocular, like you used to as a kid.
Close one eye and look through the binocular with the other, gaze on something for some time.
Describe, in your mind, what you see.
Now take the ‘binocular’ off, so that you don’t open your hand that creates it.
And Describe what has added to the image you saw before.
Open your eye and think of what more do you see, apart from past two images.
Now imagine that the walls in front of you are gone, think of what you would see then.
Think of what you could see if even that layer is stripped away and if you can think of it - you will feel the sweetness of a snow covered spaciousness that evaporates that ugly sensation of filth and turns all the things that fuck with our minds every day, into a clear space.
Look at your binocular.
...Our world is the same size as we perceive it to be...
If throughout our lives we only look at the world through that little crack, we will never see anything more than what that little gap allows.
It is precisely because of this that comprehending the magnitude of the universe is impossible and unnecessary.
Because nobody has ever measured it in this way.
The universe could also interpret its dimensions in its own way Perhaps the universe is also incapable of interpreting the widths of its existence, in as much as the universe, like us, is a living organism that exists internally within myself and others, and as the universe where we exist. We are the universe and the universe is us, like it or not, we have been a part of it, we are a part of it now and we will remain to be a part of it, forever.
It is not our duty to perceive its entirety.
Our worlds are the same size as we perceive them to be and is the measure of our objective truths.
For me, intelligence is that perception of the universe’s dimensions.
Our intelligence measures the same as our perception of the world.
One should broaden the vision of the universe inside, to perceive the universe as it is.
And when one looks at one's inner world with a broad vision, the perception of the external world is bound to grow to the same measurements.
Because Psyche and Physics do not work independently.
Whereas when the vision of the world is defined so much by countless socio-normative binoculars, our perception of the width and form of the world is only as large as scale through binocular.
I believe that this takes away our right to freedom.
But what is freedom?
We might arrive at a fairly simple answer.
Freedom is the right to believe in the perspectives to perception of the world, to believe in objective truth and recognize the world as it is for us.
To gain the right to take of the binocular that the society and countless institutions have inspired to put on.
Freedom is a right to obtain intelligence.
Abiding by social normative is like living in one man, single quadratic, thick glass cell that resists light and sound and extends into endless fields of skyscraping glass tunnels. The cells are arranged tightly in this space and each member inside is a captive man, incapable of neither sitting, nor laying or rest. The only thing he can do is to stand and pitch his actions to the same tune as the blurry, adulterated image behind this thick layer of glass; as his goal, as an individual, is to escape this prison.
Whereas every one of their extortions is a mirror of crooked actions, that create the endless chain of social normativity.
Reality is that we never see the real picture behind this thick layer of glass. All we see, through this dense layer, is an individual in the same environment, watching you as you are watching him; and this is only the skeleton of him in your perception, no more than 30% of it. This, of course, is still perceiving something, whereas its whole face, the clear one - we complete in our minds. Using just our imagination. His true face, however, as all individuals have their genuine essence and a genuine red bottle, in reality does not correspond to 70 %( the percentages to taste) of reality.
For a human to perceive another who is the same as him, as I am his replica too and both of our actions are consequent of each other's, he needs to see the clear picture beyond the glass layer, not a blurry one. In perceiving the distorted, blurry image one increases the role of one's imagination in picturing the reality - this has not helped in escaping the prison. Here, looking beyond the glass is really looking inside oneself, as, if we, in completing the barely perceived vision, magnify the role of our imagination, rather than the image's real nature, we will not be able to comprehend the truth behind the image, that later determine our actions. This mode of vision will only ever work as a broken telephone game.
Thus whenever we cannot break through the wall and can't get out for the tenth, hundredth or fourteenth time disappointment, anger and aggression start to cultivate. We could have escaped for ten, hundred or fourteen times but your actions weren't the same as I thought* they would be. This is only because the image I have of you, at least 70% of it, is a result of my imagination and not reality.
Our disappointments that are accompanied by hurt and anger, hatred and dissonance with self and others are merely results of our own expectations.
*A button for an imaginary eternal web of countless unconfirmed weaves from time past and time future evoking endless reactions in our minds.
What happens if we claim that what we see in the neighbouring cell is not a basis, that there exists no outside basis apart from one's self and that the development of this basis is much dependent upon our 'cellmates' from all four sides.
What happens if we say that looking up, we will see an open space above us, a little far or so far that this space looks like, but a needle of white light.
This is the escape.
And we know that this is the escape.
We as individuals already know that this is the escape. We have been standing on the threshold of this door and know that what lays ahead is a complicated road to self-discovery and growth and that it has no back track, thus making it impossible to return back.
Before we take a step forward the road seems tough. We might stall in places where we feel stuck and give up, think that more is impossible. Even this will not bring you back entirely to the place where the light seems like a dot of brightness.Delaying this escape only nurtures our negative emotions more, as an individual who resists a personal turning point remains to be a child, angry at life, for ever.
Let's say that if we take a step towards the exit, and climb this glass tunnel, we will see space entirely.
...We will feel the wind touching our body,
we might get cold too,
but we will know that this cold is different from anything we have felt before.
we are breathing!..
We can now, and only now, extend a hand to someone else suffering down there. Our cellmates who we have spent this eternity with, whom we have never seen or heard voice of. As we know him only in our imagination and we don't know him at all.
This is what prison is!
This prison, we must leave it by ourselves.
These are our cells.
We are in this prison until we decide not to be. The tunnel is a secret and life - endangering carousel. We will hurt ourselves. Maybe even almost die and give up somewhere and get stuck to the point of our escape. We might even fall back in, unconscious. Or maybe, we will spend the rest of our days being underground in that cell, never knowing its depth and height, in our attempts to create endless replicas of those around us and bestowing them on others around us.
Although none of this changes the fact that there is a clear sky above us.
Now, when we stand above and breathe, we can help. We can extend our hands, call out to others and push them out, these walls do not break.
That is the only way out.
To enter the light above.
The way out that we yearn for, throughout the entirety of our lives, in other things and other people. A door of which we know of for a long time and want to forget.
Don't be disappointed if the one below won't take your hand.
Just remember how we used to sit down there, how big did the light above seem?
Size of a needle or even smaller. It used to even disappear sometimes, although always returned.
Nobody knows how deep we are sitting, down there, how many hands and calls we refused or couldn't hear.
Down there, you can't hear anything.
Down there, only your voice is audible.
Down there, there's only us.
And as we wait for help, the light above us shrinks and disappears for longer and longer.
Even though, I believe that as long as we are switched on, the escape is possible.
Nothing will change till we desire it.
There exists existence, in which our existence is an indispensable puzzle piece; Perhaps the very essence of our existence in this, is the perpetuity of our existence.
Interpreting the essence of an event is a return to its initial state, when you perceive it from all the sides, with eyes wide open, like a child.
When things lose meaning, everything starts to gain essence.
We are no longer children, upset and angry at life who constantly wait for a helping hand, like the victims of life.
Now, we are grown persons, who grow constantly and reach, in themselves, for the child that eagerly perceives the world as endless.
We reconcile with the world that was caged in the socio-normative binocular.
Our existence is eternal.
Just as the universe is.
It has never begun and will never end.
Our physical existence is a single knot of causes and effects that had been before we plugged into the dynamic perception of time. And before we plugged into time - physically, our existence hanged in the metaphysically static time, which is still and will be forever.
Since plugging in and till plugging out.
What we achieve in existing physically is gaining dynamics, a physical representation of time. After we plug out, we merely return to the statically endless time of eternal existence.
Thus we exist always.
Inasmuch as the genuinely objective universe that we perceive subjectively, which is the individual perception of the provided universe, creates new cause-effective chain that determines the basis of an individual's perception of the world and represents the basis of perception of other individuals, continuing infinitely, just like the existence of all individuals whose existence determine our basis of perception.
We humans, each and every one of us, are connected to each other. Let's imagine people we know and then people they know and continue this chain further.
...Infinite interrelations...
We are intertwined with even those, who have long returned from the dynamic, physical representation of time into a static dimension and to those who have not yet shed the static state and switched on in the physical dynamism.
If we can perceive the universe, with binoculars or with eyes wide open that overlook the snowed spaces of vastness, then we exist. And if we exist, thus we perceive the universe in personal manners, regardless of its actual width.
Never to mind its real dimensions, we are each other's constituents. How deeply we perceive ourselves is represented in how deeply we perceive the universe. Simply because we are that one man in the cubic cell of glass, who, in this dynamic dimension of time, slowly loses the sight of the light above; the same light that is an endless space in which we can soar if we only follow the needle sized white light above.
No one else is capable of taking those binoculars off from our eyes.
We must remove them ourselves.